Butterbeer Cupcakes

Butterbeer Cupcakes

Butterbeer Cupcakes

This is part IV in a mini-series of Harry Potter snacks from the books brought to life (part I is on Honeydukes treats, part II is all about the cauldron cakes, and part III features every wizard's favorite drink—butterbeer!).

I confess that Butterbeer Cupcakes aren't actually mentioned in the Harry Potter series. In my defense, if JK Rowling had been given one of these while writing the books, she would have found a way to fit them in. They are so exceptional, I wouldn't be surprised if she featured them as a major plot point.

I'm only half joking.

Butterbeer Cupcakes

Humor aside, the release of the final movie is upon us. I'm a mixed bag of emotions right now—thrilled to see the last movie and devastated to see the series finally come to a close. It's not only the end of the series but the end of an era—an era that defined my generation in a small, significant way. Though I knew this day would come, I find I'm not ready to say farewell. I want to hold onto the magic just a little bit longer.

Yet, as I keep reminding myself, this isn't really goodbye.

My collection of Harry Potter books isn't going anywhere. The movies are not suddenly going to vanish from the shelves. I can revisit the characters, these friends I have gotten to know over the last decade, whenever I choose. We can still get together for long weekends and lazy Sunday afternoons. Though the characters will no longer evolve or set out on new adventures, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Like the familiar comfort of an old friend, you know they'll always be around, waiting patiently on your bookshelf.

I don't know about you, but I can always use the comfort of an old friend.

Butterbeer Cupcakes Butterbeer Cupcakes

These Butterbeer Cupcakes are easily on my list of the top three cupcakes of all time (if you put another one in front of me, I just may declare these the winner). These are unbelievably delicious—in fact, they didn't even last a full 24 hours in my house.

The butterbeer cupcake is essentially a brown sugar cupcake infused with cream soda and butter flavors. If that isn't good enough, the cupcakes are then filled with a butterscotch ganache, topped with a rich butterscotch buttercream, and drizzled with more butterscotch ganache. I'm not typically a fan of butterscotch, but these cupcakes absolutely changed my mind. The cupcake itself leans more on the denser side, but it still manages to feel light. The butterscotch buttercream is sweet, but not teeth-fall-out sweet (I don't typically like sweet frostings, but I ate this one by the spoonful. So good). Don't even get me started on the butterscotch ganache...

You need to make these. I don't want to hear any excuses—no ifs, ands, or buts about it. You can thank me later.

Butterbeer Cupcakes

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Harry Potter Treats

Harry Potter Treats

Harry Potter Snacks

This is part I in a mini-series of Harry Potter snacks from the books brought to life (part II is all about the cauldron cakes, part III features every wizard's favorite drink—butterbeer!— and part IV showcases decadent butterbeer cupcakes).

Harry Potter has always held a special place in my life. I started reading the books when I was 11 years old. Harry and I grew up together. The books were as much of a part of my childhood as school or my friends. I've read them more times than I can count—so much so, that many of my cherished hardcover books have began to fall apart at the seams.

Harry Potter and his world have always held a magical quality for me. When I was younger, the wizarding world seemed so close to me that, if I closed my eyes, for the briefest of seconds I could almost imagine myself in it. Thanks to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and briefly living in England for 6 months, those faint dreams of my youth have become more of a reality.

Harry Potter Snacks

Over the last ten years, Harry Potter has taught me about life and growing up. Dumbledore lectured me on the significance of morality and empathy, as well as the importance of humanity. Harry Potter showed me the power and strength of sticking to your beliefs, especially in the face of adversity. Ron and Hermione taught me the sincere virtue in forgiveness. The characters showed me that every decision comes with consequence, good or bad. Perhaps this sounds silly but, after dozens of book readings and re-readings, I've noticed that I have unconsciously taken these lessons and subtly applied them to my own life.

As the release of the last movie approaches, it marks the end of an era for me. There will be no more Harry Potter books or movies. No midnight release dates to look forward to. The last movie, in some ways, marks the end of my childhood. After July 15th, I will slowly become an adult in my own eyes—the last ties to my childhood will have been cut.

JK Rowling, if you only knew the profound and positive effect you've had on my life. Like Harry with his lightning bolt scar, you, too, have left a permanent mark on me.

Acid Pops

While the release of the last movie looms ever closer, I wanted to bring to life various Harry Potter treats from the series. Over the next few days, you can expect to see more Harry Potter snacks and drinks (can we say butterbeer?) as I celebrate the end of a great era. Whether you are hosting your own Harry Potter party, or simply want a sweet treat to celebrate the release of the movie, these Harry Potter snacks are for you. Many of these treat ideas can also be applied to birthday or Halloween parties.

Today's menu: sweets from Honeydukes and the Hogwarts Express food trolley.

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